Madagaskar: Race Across EuropeWeb Game,Mobile Game,UI-UX,3D Art Hillbilly3D Art,Concept Gangster Squad: Criminal PursuitWeb Game,Mobile Game,UI-UX,3D Art Polygons3D Art,Concept Wrath Of The Titans: Titans AttackWeb Game,Mobile Game,UI-UX,3D Art The Hobbit 2: Barrel EscapeWeb Game,UI-UX,Mobile Game Icon ArtIllustration,Concept Hess Racer3D Art,UI-UX,Mobile Game Edge Of Tomorrow: Live Die RepeatWeb Game,UI-UX,Mobile Game Living TomorrowPrint,Branding Character DesignsIllustration,Concept Gravity: Don’t let goWeb Game,UI-UX,Mobile Game ReformistTMIllustration,Branding Pacific Rim: Jaeger DesignerWeb Game,UI-UX,Mobile Game Project Helgard3D Art,Concept WTHIllustration,Concept Thesis CoverPrint,Branding Monks3D Art,Concept